At Work Jokes

286 Jokes in this category.

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Title Comedy Rating
16 Thank You For Shopping At ApocalypseMart (2.64) (0.8)
17 Hard Drugs And Harder Pharmacists (2.64) (0.93)
18 You've Got The Wrong(est) Number (2.64) (1.26)
19 Paging Leonidas To The Front Desk (2.64) (1.11)
20 Poor Accountants (2) (0.95)
21 When Aliens Attack! (2.07) (0.57)
22 Stress Mangement Technique (2.47) (0.86)
23 Telephone Bill (2.94) (0.37)
24 Now THATS Shit (2.81) (1.63)
25 DMV 2 (1.8) (0.94)
26 From My Dad. (2.36) (0.81)
27 What Yacht You Got? (2.86) (0.73)
28 Making a Monkey Of Them (2.84) (0.57)
29 Stressed or Just Stupid? (2.75) (0.77)
30 Scary Business Headline (2.36) (0.78)
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 20

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